Walking Club

Get your recommended 30 minutes of daily walking with fitness coach Debbie North! Reduce your risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and some cancers, and make achieving fitness easy and enjoyable with a guided group walk incorporating strengthening exercises on the town multi-use trail system.

Walking speed, activities, and intensity may be modified to accommodate all exercise levels.

Health Benefits of Walking

Walking 30 minutes every day can increase or maintain cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle strength and endurance. Walking outdoors and in a group may also have mental and social benefits including improved mood and sleep, increased safety, and greater motivation and adherence to a regular exercise program.

  • Walking can improve cardiorespiratory fitness and lower chances of heart disease through improvements in blood pressure, resting heart rate, blood cholesterol, body mass index (BMI), and VO2 Max.

  • Walking can also have a significant impact on health by improving muscle strength and flexibility, bone density, and joint health.

  • Walking can improve stress and mental health. It can help in the treatment of both anxiety and depression, and regular walking outdoors in green space may improve sleep quality and quantity.

  • Walking in a group increases safety and adherence to a regular walking program, which enhances health benefits over time.

  • Walking and other modes of active travel can improve ambient air quality and reduce noise pollution when replacing motor vehicle travel.

  • Walking is accessible across a lifespan and is free, requiring no special equipment.