Integrative Health Coaching

  • Empowerment

    Health coaching is based entirely on the health goal that you are interested in setting. Partner with your health coach to determine the schedule, progression, and support that makes sense for you.

  • Whole-Person Wellbeing

    Goals often incorporate physical, mental, emotional, social, and environmental elements. Often lifestyle components such as physical activity, nutrition, stress management, sleep, tobacco cessation, substance avoidance, pain management, and weight management are addressed.

  • Personal Discovery

    Health coaching can help you explore your motivations and your readiness to change. Make progress toward long term health by breaking down big goals into smaller realistic and attainable steps. As you accomplish each step, you build momentum toward your ultimate goal.

  • Accountability

    Health coaching can keep you on track by helping you to anticipate and deal with barriers. Minor missteps when working toward your goals are completely normal. Create strategies and develop action plans to make incremental changes toward your goals.

  • Embrace health, feel your best, and live the life you love! We want to empower you with the self-knowledge, skills, and support to create lasting health changes in your life. Partner with a health coach to identify your goals, explore motivations, address barriers, and create sustainable changes.

    A health coach is a credentialed healthcare professional with additional training in the science of health behavior change.  A health coach partners with individuals through the behavior change process including supporting the patient or client as they set goals, unearth values & strengths, and access intrinsic motivations to encourage the development of sustainable healthy behaviors and attitudes. 

    Health coaching has been shown to be an effective tool for managing a broad variety of health conditions (metabolic syndrome, diabetes, chronic pain). 

  • Health coaching sessions typically center around lifestyle pillars including nutrition, physical activity, stress management, sleep, avoiding or reducing risky substances, and social support. 

    Health coaching is a collaborative partnership between you and your health coach where the priority is to facilitate a discussion to:

    • Identify your health goals,

    • Investigate your readiness to change,

    • Explore your motivations to make a change,

    • Discover the obstacles preventing your progress,

    • Map out a plan to be able to achieve your goal in a healthy way.

  • Health coaching is offered Monday & Thursday 12-2:00PM by appointment.

    Appointments outside of these hours can often be accommodated with advanced request.

  • Health coaching sessions are available in person at our Mammoth location (121 College Parkway) or virtually via Microsoft Teams video call.

  • Health Coaching Initial Evaluation (60 minutes): $75

    Health Coaching Session (30 minutes): $40

    Health Coaching 3-pack: $100 (expire 6 months after purchase)

  • Please notify us of plan changes early. Cancellations with less than 24-hour notification may be subject to charge.

  • Please schedule an appointment for Health Coaching during our clinic availability.

    Please contact us for more information and assistance, or to request an appointment outside of the offered availability.