Thank You!

You have successfully registered an account with Elevate!

Now that you are part of the Elevate community, follow the steps below on your journey to “elevate your health!”

  1. Browse our services

    Learn more about our services and check out our class schedule.

  2. Sign up

    Simply use the orange buttons or links to book appointments, sign up for classes, or enroll in courses.

    • Note: All classes are listed in PST (adjust time zone accordingly for virtual services if you are not attending from the West Coast).

  3. Check your email

    You should receive an email confirmation of your reservation with further instructions and details on your upcoming appointment, class, or course!

  4. Elevate your health

    Invest in your personal health and attend classes and events frequently. Empower yourself with knowledge, practical skills, and resources!

  5. Elevate our community

    Invite your family, friend, neighbor, or co-worker to join Elevate and embrace optimal health together!

    Remember, your participation and purchases go toward making these services accessible and affordable for all members of our community. By making your health a priority, you are part of the solution in shifting the model’s balance from sick care towards wellness.

    (Return to Home Page)