Bone & Joint Health

Bones give our lives structure and support, protecting internal organs, allowing movement, and storing vital minerals to maintain everyday function.

Healthy lifestyle including nutrition and movement can support healthy bones and prevent or even reverse common joint and bone issues including arthritis and osteoporosis.

  • When your normal daily and recreational activities are changed or limited by stiff, painful joints, this can have a significant impact on your quality of life. Learn how you can regain function and support healthy joints with Elevate’s Arthritis & Joint Health classes.

  • It is never too early or too late to take care of your bones. Take steps now with Elevate’s Osteoporosis & Fracture Prevention services to strengthen and support your living bones to avoid fractures, pain, and longterm limitations in the future.

Arthritis & Joint Health Classes

  • Tai Chi for Arthritis

    This Sun-style Tai Chi class is taught by a Mammoth Hospital physical therapist and is based on the Tai Chi for Health Institute’s Tai Chi for Arthritis & Fall Prevention program for low-impact mobility, conditioning, and improved balance.

  • Joint Replacement Education

    This on-demand video class helps you prepare your body, mind, environment, and support team for your upcoming hip/knee joint replacement surgery with Mammoth Orthopedic Institute at Mammoth Hospital so you can have the most successful outcomes and experience.

  • Total Joint Fitness

    This low-impact group exercise class is taught by a Mammoth Hospital physical therapist and helps participants improve lower extremity stiffness and weakness, especially related to arthritis or following early formal joint replacement rehabilitation.

  • Hand Arthritis Management

    This on-demand video class is taught by Mammoth Hospital occupational therapists and offers education and recommendations on splints, adaptive devices, and self-care techniques for individuals managing hand arthritis.

Osteoporosis & Fracture Prevention Services

  • Sit Fit

    Progressive exercises take us from our seat to our feet in this class best suited for older adult participants looking to improve posture, balance, and fracture risk or those with limited mobility, conditioning, or standing tolerance.

  • Mat ABC

    Mat ABC places focus on Alignment, Balance, and Control through traditional mat-based exercises (yoga, Pilates, barre). Participants develop postural awareness, flexibility, and stamina in a safe and social environment.

  • Tai Chi for Fall Prevention

    This Sun-style Tai Chi class is taught by a Mammoth Hospital physical therapist and is based on the Tai Chi for Health Institute’s Tai Chi for Arthritis & Fall Prevention program for low-impact mobility, conditioning, and improved balance.

  • Nutrition for Bone Health

    Learn how nutrition plays an integral role in bone health and the prevention and treatment of osteopenia/osteoporosis in this on-demand video class.